Towards Complete Causal Explanation with Expert Knowledge
Published 7/9/2024
We study the problem of restricting Markov equivalence classes of maximal ancestral graphs (MAGs) containing certain edge marks, which we refer to as expert knowledge. MAGs forming a Markov equivalence class can be uniquely represented by an essential ancestral graph. We seek to learn the restriction of the essential ancestral graph containing the proposed expert knowledge. Our contributions are several-fold. First, we prove certain properties for the entire Markov equivalence class including a conjecture from Ali et al. (2009). Second, we present three sound graphical orientation rules, two of which generalize previously known rules, for adding expert knowledge to an essential graph. We also show that some orientation rules of Zhang (2008) are not needed for restricting the Markov equivalence class with expert knowledge. We provide an algorithm for including this expert knowledge and show that our algorithm is complete in certain settings i.e., in these settings, the output of our algorithm is a restricted essential ancestral graph. We conjecture this algorithm is complete generally. Outside of our specified settings, we provide an algorithm for checking whether a graph is a restricted essential graph and discuss its runtime. This work can be seen as a generalization of Meek (1995).
Comments: 80 pages (main paper 18 pages, supplementary material 62 pages), 16 figures, 7 algorithms, 3 tables