To update your biography, link your personal homepage, set your preferred pronoun, integrate your ORCID, and manage your ORCID-linked preprints, you must log in to your profile via the internal StatApps web application. The StatApps website is available on campus and via the Husky OnNet VPN.
If you are on campus and/or connected to the VPN, follow the link below to access your profile.
Log In to StatApps
If you are unable to connect to the VPN:
- Make sure to follow troubleshooting guidance at Husky OnNet VPN and read through their information.
- Contact UW IT (UW-IT Service Desk at or 206-221-5000)
If you are able to connect, but you receive a login error from StatApps:
- Contact the Statistics IT department's webmaster ( Be sure to include details about the error(s) you encountered.
If you are able to connect but cannot access your profile settings:
- Contact the Statistics IT department's webmaster (
If you've recently made changes in your profile, but you don't see the changes on your profile:
- Usually, changes take fifteen minutes to half hour to take effect on your public profile. In some cases, it can take up to several hours due to high traffic volumes or various network nuances. If you don't see your changes within 24 hours, contact the Statistics IT department's webmaster (