Pawel Morzywolek (he/him)

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Washington

UW Box Number 354322
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ORCID iD  0000-0002-2553-6675 

I am a postdoc in the Department of Statistics. My research focuses on causal inference and statistical inference for infinite-dimensional parameters, with application to study the efficacy of infectious disease prevention strategies.

I obtained my PhD in Statistical Data Analysis from Ghent University. In my PhD project, I applied methods from causal inference to infer the optimal time to initiate treatment in critically ill patients using observational routinely collected data.


On Weighted Orthogonal Learners for Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
Pawel Morzywolek, Johan Decruyenaere, Stijn Vansteelandt
Motivated by applications in personalized medicine and individualized policymaking, there is a growing interest in techniques for quantifying treatment effect…

On Estimation and Cross-validation of Dynamic Treatment Regimes with Competing Risks
Pawel Morzywolek, Johan Steen, Wim Van Biesen, Johan Decruyenaere, Stijn Vansteelandt
The optimal moment to start renal replacement therapy in a patient with acute kidney injury (AKI) remains a challenging problem in intensive care nephrology…