Jon Wakefield (he/him)

Professor, University of Washington

Phone +1 206 616-6292
UW Box Number 354322
Homepage Personal Home Page 
ORCID iD  0000-0002-9300-8049 

Joint: Department of Biostatistics
Research: Spatial epidemiology, spatial demography, small area
estimation, estimating under-5 mortality in a low and medium income
countries context, hierarchical models for survey data, space-time
models for infectious disease data, ecological inference for
non-infectious and infectious disease data, the links between Bayes and
frequentist procedures


Fellow, American Statistical Association (ASA) (2007)

Guy Medal in Bronze, Royal Statistical Society (2000)


The Central Role of the Identifying Assumption in Population Size Estimation
Serge Aleshin-Guendel, Mauricio Sadinle, Jon Wakefield
The problem of estimating the size of a population based on a subset of individuals observed across multiple data sources is often referred to as capture…

A Statistical Introduction to Template Model Builder: A Flexible Tool for Spatial Modeling
Aaron Osgood-Zimmerman, Jon Wakefield
The integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) is a well-known and popular technique for spatial modeling with a user-friendly interface in the R-INLA…

Estimating Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Ohio: A Bayesian Multilevel Poststratification Approach with Multiple Diagnostic Tests
David Kline, Zehang Li, Yue Chu, Jon Wakefield, William C. Miller, Abigail Norris Turner, Samuel J Clark
Globally the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has infected more than 59 million people and killed more than 1.39 million. Designing and monitoring interventions to slow…

A Probabilistic Model for Analyzing Summary Birth History Data
Katie Wilson, Jon Wakefield
BACKGROUND There is an increasing demand for high quality subnational estimates of under-five mortality. In low and middle income countries, where the burden…

Estimating efficacy of measles supplementary immunization activities via discrete-time modeling of disease incidence time series
Tracy Qi Dong, Jon Wakefield
Measles is a significant source of global disease burden and child mortality. Measles vaccination through routine immunization (RI) programs in high-burden…

Estimating the Stillbirth Rate for 195 Countries Using A Bayesian Sparse Regression Model with Temporal Smoothing
Zhengfan Wang, Miranda J. Fix, Lucia Hug, Anu Mishra, Danzhen You, Hannah Blencowe, Jon Wakefield, Leontine Alkema
Estimation of stillbirth rates globally is complicated because of the paucity of reliable data from countries where most stillbirths occur. We compiled data…

Estimation of Health and Demographic Indicators with Incomplete Geographic Information
Katie Wilson, Jon Wakefield
In low and middle income countries, household surveys are a valuable source of information for a range of health and demographic indicators. Increasingly,…