Gongjun Xu

Dr. Gongjun Xu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics with a joint appointment in the Department of Psychology at the University of Michigan. He received his Ph.D. in Statistics from Columbia University in 2013. His research interests include latent variable models, psychometrics, statistical learning and inference, and survival analysis. Dr. Xu received NSF CAREER Award (2019), International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) Outstanding Young Researcher Award (2019), Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award (2019), Psychometric Society Early Career Award (2023), and Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies (COPSS) Emerging Leader Award (2023). Dr. Xu is currently serving as Co-Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, and Associate Editor for Journal of American Statistical Association, Psychometrika, Annals of Applied Statistics, Statistica Sinica, and Journal of Data Science.