Internships and CPT

Engaging in an internship is a great way to explore careers, expand your professional network and gain valuable experience by applying the knowledge learnt in class to the “real world”. The Department of Statistics considers internships an integral part of the training, and students can get credit towards their degree by enrolling in STAT 497.  

The Department will evaluate internships' offers and, if considered inherent to the major, an add-code for STAT 497 will be issued. At the end of the internship, credits for STAT 497 will be awarded. If your internship is not integral to the Statistics major, but can be considered to be at least 50% engineering, you might want to explore the options available through the Engineering Internship Program.  Alternatively, the Community Engagement and Leadership Education Center offers the opportunity to earn credit for the demonstrated learning derived from an internship experience. 

If you are an international student on an active F-1 visa status, you must apply for a Curricular Practice Training (CPT) before you engage in an internship. The CPT serves as a work authorization as students engage in different types of activities related to their major. Please, review the UW ISS page regarding the CPT process. If you have questions about the process, you should refer these to your ISS adviser.


STAT 497 and CPT process summary


Minimum requirements to be eligible for internship credits and CPT

  • Be a declared STAT major at the time you are requesting enrollment in STAT 497. For example, if you are admitted to the program during the Spring quarter, you will be a declared STAT major effective Summer (if registered) or Autumn quarter. 
  • Must have completed STAT 341 before requesting enrollment in STAT 497.   
  • Have made satisfactory progress in all quarters as a STAT major (see Continuation Policy) 

Please make sure you satisfy the requirements before applying for internship credits/CPT, we cannot make exceptions regarding eligibility requirements.  Internships with the following characteristics will not be evaluated:

  • Internships which occurred before or while taking STAT 341 OR 
  • Internships which are already in progress or have been completed at the time of the form submission. 

Internship details 

An internship which is considered relevant to the Stat curriculum can count either towards the degree or it can count as a replacement for the capstone project (STAT 496). 

If a student wants their internship to count either towards the degree or as the capstone, the following must occur: 

  • Students have to submit an “Internship Evaluation Form” available below (see section "How to apply for internship credits"). As part of the form, students should upload the offer letter, job description, and supervisor contact details. The Department of Statistics will use the form to assess whether the internship aligns with the Statistics Program and meets the requirements listed below.  
  • The form must be submitted for approval before starting the internship. 
  • The internship must occur after completing STAT 341. 
  • The internship must involve at least 50% Statistics-related work. 
  • If the internship is approved, students have to enroll in STAT 497.
  • Students will enroll in 1 credit of STAT 497 if part-time (less than 20 hours a week).
  • Students will enroll in 2 credits of STAT 497 if the internship is full time (more than 20 hours a week).
  • Students must complete a reflection activity on Canvas in order to receive credit. 

Starting in the 2024-2025 academic year, STAT 497 may replace the capstone project (STAT 496). For STAT 497 to replace the capstone project, in addition to the above characteristics an internship must also have the following: 

  • The internship must occur after completing STAT 342.
  • The internship must be at least 50% in-person 
  • The internship must take place in the United States unless it is part of the UW Study Abroad Program. 
  • The internship must involve at least 400 hours over a period of 2 consecutive months and no more than six consecutive months on the same project. This means that students could: 
  • serve as an intern full time 40 hours a week for at least 10 weeks 
  • Serve as an intern part-time (for instance 20 hours a week) for at least 20 weeks 


Luke started the STAT major in Fall 2024 and plans to take STAT 342 in Winter 2025. Luke completes a part-time internship as a Data Scientist at an investment bank in Spring 2024 and another part-time internship as a Data Scientist at Microsoft in Summer 2025. Luke qualifies for 1 credit of STAT 497 in Spring 2025 and 1 credit of STAT 497 in Summer 2025, but cannot use the 2 credits (1 + 1) to waive the capstone project.  

Blair also started the STAT major in Fall 2024 and plans to take STAT 342 in Winter 2025. Blair completes a full-time (40 hours per week) internship as a Data Scientist at Amazon in Summer 2025. Blair qualifies for 2 credits of STAT 497 and can use them to waive the capstone project (STAT 496). 

When to apply for internship or CPT credits

  • Students who want to enroll in STAT 497 must submit the “Internships Credits” request form after receiving an offer letter and at least two weeks before the start of the internship. If students also need CPT, then they need to make the request at least two months before the intended start date. If applicable, ask your prospective employer to postpone your start date. 
  • International students must enroll in STAT 497 in order to submit a CPT request through ISS. 
  • Students must be enrolled in the quarter of the opportunity. Students enrolling in summer internship can defer enrollment to the following Autumn quarter. 
  • Full-time internships and full-time CPT positions will only be approved for the summer quarter. Internships and CPT applications during the academic year must be for part-time opportunities.  
  • Students can earn 2 credits of STAT 497 for a full-time CPT and 1 credit of STAT 497 for a part-time opportunity. 

How to apply for internship credits

Once you have been offered a position, please fill out the Microsoft form linked below to obtain Department approval. If you are an international student, do not accept any offers before your internship has been approved as relevant to your studies by the Statistics Department and your CPT has been approved by the ISS.   

The request form will require you to include whether you need a CPT or not, the original job posting and a detailed training description from your employer. The description must be written on the company’s letterhead, be addressed to you, include a job title, provide a detailed job description (minimum a few sentences describing specific duties), the street address where employment will take place, number of hours you will work per week and the start and end dates of the employment. 

If you have read and understand the information necessary to apply for CPT, use this request form, while if you do not need CPT but you would like to get internship credits, proceed to this request form.  Please, send an email to once you have submitted the form. If you are an international student, do not fill out the UW ISS CPT request form until your internship has been approved by the Statistics Advising Office. If you run into any problem, please email