PhD Dissertations
Title | Author | Supervisor |
Statistical estimation and decision-making for the COVID-19 pandemic | Nicholas Irons | Adrian E Raftery, Carlos Cinelli |
Scalable statistical methods for microbial metagenomics | Sarah Teichman | Amy Willis |
Probabilistic Models for Human Migration Forecasting and Residency Imputation | Nathan Welch | Adrian E Raftery |
Estimation and Inference of Optimal Policies | Zhaoqi Li | Alex Luedtke, Lalit Kumar Jain |
Statistical Learning and Modeling with Graphs and Networks | Jerry Wei | Yen-Chi Chen, Tyler Mccormick |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
Statistical Methods for the Analysis and Prediction of Hierarchical Time Series Data with Applications to Demography | Daphne Liu | Adrian E Raftery |
Exponential Family Models for Rich Preference Ranking Data | Anne Wagner | Marina Meila |
Bayesian methods for variable selection | Anupreet Porwal | Abel Rodriguez, Adrian E Raftery |
Statistical methods for genomic sequencing data | Alan Min | William Noble |
Addressing double dipping through selective inference and data thinning | Anna Neufeld | Daniela M Witten |
Methods for the Statistical Analysis of Preferences, with Applications to Social Science Data | Michael Pearce | Elena A. Erosheva |
Estimating subnational health and demographic indicators using complex survey data | Peter Gao | Jon Wakefield |
Inference and Estimation for Network Data | Shane Lubold | Tyler Mccormick |
Mixture models to fit heavy-tailed, heterogeneous or sparse data | Zhen Miao | Adrian Dobra, Yen-Chi Chen |
Interpretation and Validation for unsupervised learning | Hanyu Zhang | Marina Meila |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
Likelihood-based haplotype frequency modeling using variable-order Markov chains | Aaron J. Baraff | Elizabeth Thompson |
Statistical Divergences for Learning and Inference: Limit Laws and Non-Asymptotic Bounds | Lang Liu | Zaid Harchaoui, Soumik Pal |
Methods, Models, and Interpretations for Spatial-Temporal Public Health Applications | Aaron Osgood-Zimmerman | Jon Wakefield |
Statistical Methods for Clustering and High Dimensional Time Series Analysis | Kunhui Zhang | Ali Shojaie |
Causal Structure Learning in High Dimensions | Wenyu Chen | Mathias Drton, Ali Shojaie |
Missing Data Methods for Observational Health Dataset | Gang Cheng | Yen-Chi Chen |
Geometric algorithms for interpretable manifold learning | Samson Jonathan Koelle | Marina Meila |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
Statistical modeling of long memory and uncontrolled effects in neural recordings | Alexander H. Greaves-Tunnell | Zaid Harchaoui |
Improving Uncertainty Quantification and Visualization for Spatiotemporal Earthquake Rate Models for the Pacific Northwest | Max Schneider | Peter Guttorp, Yen-Chi Chen |
Distribution-free consistent tests of independence via marginal and multivariate ranks | Hongjian Shi | Fang Han |
Causality, Fairness, and Information in Peer Review | Sheridan L. Grant | Elena A. Erosheva, Marina Meila |
Subnational Estimation of Period Child Mortality in a Low and Middle Income Countries Context | Jessica Godwin | Jon Wakefield |
Progress in nonparametric minimax estimation and high dimensional hypothesis testing | Yandi Shen | Daniela M Witten, Fang Han |
Likelihood Analysis of Causal Models | Richard Guo | Thomas S Richardson |
Bayesian Models in Population Projections and Climate Change Forecast | Peiran Liu | Adrian E Raftery |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
Statistical Methods for Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire Analysis and Comparison | Branden Olson | Frederick Matsen |
Statistical Methods for Geospatial Modeling with Stratified Cluster Survey Data | John Paige | Jon Wakefield |
Representation Learning for Partitioning Problems | Corinne L. Jones | Zaid Harchaoui |
Estimation and Inference in Changepoint Models | Sean Jewell | Daniela M Witten |
Space-Time Contour Models for Sea Ice Forecasting | Hannah Marie Director | Adrian E Raftery, Cecilia Bitz |
Non-Gaussian Graphical Models: Estimation with Score Matching and Causal Discovery under Zero-Inflation | Shiqing Yu | Ali Shojaie, Mathias Drton |
Scalable Learning in Latent State Sequence Models | Christopher Aicher |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
Latent Variable Models for Prediction & Inference with Proxy Network Measures | Wesley T. Lee | Tyler Mccormick |
Bayesian Hierarchical Models and Moment Bounds for High-Dimensional Time Series | Yicheng Li | Adrian E Raftery, Fang Han |
Inferring network structure from partially observed graphs | Mengjie Pan | Tyler Mccormick |
Fitting Stochastics Epidemic Models to Multiple Data Types | Mingwei Tang | Vladimir N. Minin |
Realized genome sharing in random effects models for quantitative genetic traits | Bowen Wang | Elizabeth Thompson |
Estimation and testing under shape constraints | Nilanjana Laha | Jon A Wellner, Alex Luedtke |
Large-Scale B Cell Receptor Sequence Analysis Using Phylogenetics and Machine Learning | Amrit Dhar | Frederick Matsen |
Statistical Methods for Manifold Recovery and C^ (1, 1) Regression on Manifolds | Kitty Mohammed | Hariharan Narayanan |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
Topics in Statistics and Convex Geometry: Rounding, Sampling, and Interpolation | Adam Marc Gustafson | Hariharan Narayanan |
Topics on Least Squares Estimation | Qiyang Han | Jon A Wellner |
Discovering Interaction in Multivariate Time Series | Alex Tank | |
Nonparametric inference on monotone functions, with applications to observational studies | Theodore Westling | Marco Carone |
Estimation and Testing Following Model Selection | Amit Nathan Meir | Mathias Drton |
Model-Based Penalized Regression | Maryclare Griffin | Peter D. Hoff |
Bayesian Methods for Graphical Models with Limited Data | Zehang Li | Tyler Mccormick |
Parameter Identification and Assessment of Independence in Multivariate Statistical Modeling | Luca Weihs | Mathias Drton |
Preferential sampling and model checking in phylodynamic inference | Michael D. Karcher | Vladimir N. Minin |
Linear Structural Equation Models with Non-Gaussian Errors: Estimation and Discovery | Y. Samuel Wang | Mathias Drton |
Coevolution Regression and Composite Likelihood Estimation for Social Networks | Yanjun He | Peter D. Hoff |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Scalable Manifold Learning and Related Topics" | James Michael Mcqueen | Marina Meila |
"Topics in Graph Clustering" | Yali Wan | Marina Meila |
"Methods for Estimation and Inference for High-Dimensional Models" | Lina Lin | Mathias Drton, Ali Shojaie |
"Scalable Methods for the Inference of Identity by Descent" | Fiona L. Grimson | Elizabeth Thompson |
"Applications of Robust Statistical Methods in Quantitative Finance" | Christopher G. Green | Doug Martin |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Testing Independence in High Dimensions & Identifiability of Graphical Models" | Dennis Leung | Mathias Drton |
"Likelihood-Based Inference for Partially Observed Multi-Type Markov Branching Processes" | Jason Q. Xu | Vladimir N. Minin |
"Bayesian Methods for Inferring Gene Regulatory Networks" | William C. Young | Adrian E Raftery, Ka Yee Yeung |
"Finite Sampling Exponential Bounds" | Evan P. Greene | Jon A Wellner |
"Finite Population Inference for Causal Parameters" | Wen Wei Loh | Thomas S Richardson |
"Projection and Estimation of International Migration" | Jon Azose | Adrian E Raftery |
"Statistical Hurdle Models for Single Cell Gene Expression: Differential Expression and Graphical Modeling" | Andrew Mcdavid | Mathias Drton |
"Space-Time Smoothing Models for Surveillance and Complex Survey Data" | Laina D. Mercer | Jon Wakefield |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Discrete-Time Threshold Regression for Survival Data with Time-Dependent Covariates" | Stefan Sharkansky | Kwun Chuen Gary Chan |
"Degeneracy, Duration, and Co-Evolution: Extending Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) for Social Network Analysis" | Ke Li | Martina Morris |
"The Likelihood Pivot: Performing Inference with Confidence" | James Harmon | Peter D. Hoff |
"Lord's Paradox and Targeted Interventions: The Case of Special Education" | Roderick M. Theobald | Dan Goldhaber, Thomas S Richardson |
"Bayesian Modeling of a High Resolution Housing Price Index" | You Ren | |
"Phylogenetic Stochastic Mapping" | Jan Irvahn | Vladimir N. Minin |
"Theory and Methods for Tensor Data" | David C. Gerard | Peter D. Hoff |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Monte Carlo Estimation of Identity by Descent in Populations" | Christopher G. Glazner | Elizabeth Thompson |
"Bayesian Spatial and Temporal Methods for Public Health Data" | Theresa R. Smith | Adrian Dobra, Jon Wakefield |
"Functional Quantitative Genetics and the Missing Heritability Problem" | Serge Sverdlov | Elizabeth Thompson |
"Predictive Modeling of Cholera Outbreaks in Bangladesh" | Amanda Allen | Ira M. Longini, Vladimir N. Minin |
"Gravimetric Anomaly Detection Using Compressed Sensing" | Ryan D. Kappedal | Marina Meila |
"R-Squared Inference Under Non-Normal Error" | Lei Xu | Ross L. Prentice |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"An Algorithmic Framework for High Dimensional Regression with Dependent Variables" | Hoyt A. Koepke | Marina Meila |
"Bayesian Population Reconstruction: A Method for Estimating Age- and Sex-Specific Vital Rates and Population Counts with Uncertainty from Fragmentary Data" | Mark C Wheldon | Adrian E Raftery |
"Bayesian Nonparametric Inference of Effective Population Size Trajectories from Genomic Data" | Julia A. Palacios Roman | Vladimir N. Minin |
"Modeling Heterogeneity Within and Between Matrices and Arrays" | Bailey Fosdick | Peter D. Hoff |
"Shape-Constrained Inference for Concave-Transformed Densities and their Modes" | Charles R. Doss | Jon A Wellner |
"Statistical Inference Using Kronecker Structured Covariance" | Alexander Volfovsky | Peter D. Hoff |
"Learning and Manifolds: Leveraging the Intrinsic Geometry" | Dominique Perrault-Joncas | Marina Meila |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Tests for Differences between Least Squares and Robust Regression Parameter Estimates and Related To Pics" | Tatiana A. Maravina | Doug Martin |
"Bayesian Modeling of Health Data in Space and Time" | Cici Bauer | Jon Wakefield |
"Coordinate-Free Exponential Families on Contingency Tables" | Anna Klimova | Thomas S Richardson, Tamas Rudas |
"Bayesian Modeling For Multivariate Mixed Outcomes With Applications To Cognitive Testing Data" | Jonathan C. Gruhl | Elena A. Erosheva |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Bayesian Inference of Exponential-family Random Graph Models for Social Networks" | Ranran Wang | Mark S. Handcock |
"Statistical Models for Estimating and Predicting HIV/AIDS Epidemics" | Le Bao | Adrian E Raftery |
"Modeling the Game of Soccer Using Potential Functions" | Robert Timothy Branom | Peter Guttorp |
"Parametrizations of Discrete Graphical Models" | Robin J. Evans | Thomas S Richardson |
"A Bayesian Surveillance System for Detecting Clusters of Non-Infectious Diseases" | Albert Y. Kim | Jon Wakefield |
"Statistical Approaches to Analyze Mass Spectrometry Data Graduating Year" | Soyoung Ryu | Vladimir N. Minin, Dave Goodlett |
"Seeing the trees through the forest; a competition model for growth and mortality" | Hilary Mason Lyons | Peter Guttorp |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Covariance estimation in the Presence of Diverse Types of Data" | Xiaoyue Niu | Peter D. Hoff |
"Portfolio Optimization with Tail Risk Measures and Non-Normal Returns" | Minfeng Zhu | Doug Martin |
"Convex analysis methods in shape constrained estimation." | Arseni V. Seregin | Jon A Wellner |
"Estimating social contact networks to improve epidemic simulation models" | Gail E. Potter | Mark S. Handcock |
"Multivariate Geostatistics and Geostatistical Model Averaging" | William P. Kleiber | Tilmann J. Gneiting |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"A comparison of alternative methodologies for estimation of HIV incidence" | Nicole Bohme Carnegie | Martina Morris |
"Bayesian Model Averaging and Multivariate Conditional Independence Structures" | Alex F. Lenkoski | Adrian Dobra |
"Conditional tests for localizing trait genes" | Yanming Di | Elizabeth Thompson |
"Combining and Evaluating Probabilistic Forecasts" | Roopesh Ranjan | Tilmann J. Gneiting |
"Probabilistic weather forecasting using Bayesian model averaging" | J. McLean Sloughter | Tilmann J. Gneiting |
"Statistical Analysis of Portfolio Risk and Performance Measures: the Influence Function Approach" | Shengyu Zhang | Doug Martin |
"Factor Model Monte Carlo Methods for General Fund-of-Funds Portfolio Management" | Yindeng Jiang | Doug Martin |
"Statistical Models for Social Network Data and Processes" | Pavel N. Krivitsky | Mark S. Handcock |
"Models for Heterogeneity in Heterosexual Partnership Networks" | Ryan M. Admiraal | Mark S. Handcock |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Models and Inference of Transmission of DNA Methylation Patterns in Mammalian Somatic Cells" | Audrey Qiuyan Fu | Matthew Stephens |
"Estimates and projections of the total fertility rate" | Leontine Alkema | Adrian E Raftery |
"Nonparametric estimation of multivariate monotone densities" | Marios G. Pavlides | Jon A Wellner |
"Learning transcriptional regulatory networks from the integration of heterogeneous high-throughout data" | Ahrim Youn | Werner Stuetzle |
"Extensions of Latent Class Transition Models with Application to Chronic Disability Survey Data" | Toby White | Elena A. Erosheva |
"Statistical Solutions to Some Problems in Medical Imaging" | Larissa I. Stanberry | Tilmann J. Gneiting, Julian Besag |
"Statistical methods for peptide and protein identification using mass spectrometry" | Qunhua Li | Matthew Stephens |
"Inference from partially-observed network data" | Krista J. Gile | Mark S. Handcock |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Probabilistic weather forecasting with spatial dependence" | Veronica Berrocal | Adrian E Raftery |
"Wavelet variance analysis for time series and random fields" | Debashis Mondal | Donald B Percival, Peter Guttorp |
"Bayesian hierarchical curve registration" | Donatello Telesca | Lurdes Y.T. Inoue |
""Up-and-Down" and the Percentile-Finding Problem" | Assaf P Oron | Peter D. Hoff |
"Statistical Methodology for Longitudinal Social Network Data" | Anton H. Westveld | Peter D. Hoff |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Learning in Spectral Clustering" | Susan Shortreed | Marina Meila |
"Variable selection and other extensions of the mixture model clustering framework" | Nema Dean | Adrian E Raftery |
"Algorithms for Estimating the Cluster Tree of a Density" | Rebecca Ann Nugent | Werner Stuetzle |
"Likelihood inference for population structure, using the coalescent" | Arindam Roy Choudhury | Elizabeth Thompson |
"Exploring rates and patterns of variability in gene conversion and crossover in the human genome" | Garrett Richard Hellenthal | Matthew Stephens |
"Alleviating ecological bias in generalized linear models and optimal design with subsample data" | Adam Nathaniel Glynn | Mark S. Handcock, Jon Wakefield |
"Nonparametric estimation for current status data with competing risks" | Marloes H. Maathuis | Petrus Groeneboom, Jon A Wellner |
"Goodness-of-fit statistics based on phi-divergences" | Leah R. Jager | Jon A Wellner |
"An efficient and flexible model for patterns of population genetic variation" | Paul Scheet | Matthew Stephens |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Alternative models for estimating genetic maps from pedigree data" | William Charles Stewart | Elizabeth Thompson |
"Allele-sharing methods for linkage detection using extended pedigrees" | Saonli Basu | Elizabeth Thompson |
"Robust estimation of factor models in finance" | Heiko Manfred Bailer | Doug Martin |
"Using the structure of d-connecting paths as a qualitative measure of the strength of dependence" | Sanjay Chaudhuri | Michael Perlman, Thomas S Richardson |
"Alternative estimators of wavelet variance" | Eric Mark Aldrich | Donald B Percival, Peter Guttorp, Christopher Bretheron |
"Bayesian robust analysis of gene expression microarray data" | Adrian E Raftery |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Nonparametric estimation of a k-monotone density: A new asymptotic distribution theory" | Fadoua Balabdaoui | Jon A Wellner |
"Maximum likelihood estimation in Gaussian AMP chain graph models and Gaussian ancestral graph models" | Mathias Drton | Michael Perlman, Thomas S Richardson |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"The genetic structure of related recombinant lines" | Amy Dawn Anderson | Elizabeth Thompson |
"Joint relationship inference from three or more individuals in the presence of genotyping error" | Solveig Kara Sieberts | Elizabeth Thompson |
"Personal characteristics and covariate measurement error in disease risk estimation" | Elizabeth Ann Sugar | Ross L. Prentice, Ching-Yun Wang |
"Model based and hybrid clustering of large datasets" | Jeremy Mark Tantrum | Alejandro Murua, Werner Stuetzle |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Applying graphical models to partially observed data-generating processes" | AYESHA ALI | Michael Perlman, Thomas S Richardson |
"Generalized linear mixed models: development and comparison of different estimation methods" | Kerrie Patricia Nelson | Brian Leroux |
"Practical importance sampling methods for finite mixture models and multiple imputation" | Russell John Steele | Adrian E Raftery |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Bayesian inference for deterministic simulation models for environmental assessment" | Samantha Bates | Adrian E Raftery |
"Modeling recessive lethals: An explanation for excess sharing in siblings" | Solveig Kara Sieberts | Elizabeth Thompson |
"Estimation with bivariate interval censored data" | Shuguang Song | Jon A Wellner |
"Latent models for cross-covariance" | Jacob Andreas Wegelin | Thomas S Richardson, Paul D. Sampson |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Global covariance modeling: A deformation approach to anisotropy" | Barnali Das | Peter Guttorp |
"Likelihood inference for parameteric models of dispersal" | Mary Beatrix Jones | Elizabeth Thompson |
"Bayesian inference in hidden stochastic population processes" | Daniela Golinelli | Peter Guttorp |
"Logic regression and statistical issues related to the protein folding problem" | Ingo Ruczinski | Charles Kooperberg, Michael LeBlanc |
"Likelihood ratio inference in regular and non-regular problems" | Moulinath Banerjee | Jon A Wellner |
"Estimating the association between airborne particulate matter and elderly mortality in Seattle, Washington using Bayesian Model Averaging" | Erin Sullivan | Peter Guttorp, Tilmann J. Gneiting |
"Nonhomogeneous hidden Markov models for downscaling synoptic atmospheric patterns to precipitation amounts" | Enrica Bellone | Peter Guttorp, James P Hughes |
"Detecting and extracting complex patterns from images and realizations of spatial point processes" | Daniel Charles Islip Walsh | Adrian E Raftery |
"A model selection approach to partially linear regression" | Florentina Bunea | Jon A Wellner |
"Wavelet-based estimation for trend contaminated long memory processes" | Peter Francis Craigmile | Donald B Percival, Peter Guttorp |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Bayesian inference for noninvertible deterministic simulation models, with application to bowhead whale assessment" | David John Poole | Adrian E Raftery |
"Monte Carlo likelihood calculation for identity by descent data" | Sharon Browning | Elizabeth Thompson |
"Fast automatic unsupervised image segmentation and curve detection in spatial point processes" | Derek C. Stanford | Adrian E Raftery |
"Semiparametric inference based on estimating equations in regressions models for two phase outcome dependent sampling" | Nilanjan Chatterjee | Norman Breslow, Jon A Wellner |
"Capture-recapture estimation of bowhead whale population size using photo-identification data" | Cibele Queiroz da Silva | Judith E Zeh, David Madigan |
"Lifetime and disease onset distributions from incomplete observations" | Antonio Eduardo Gomes | Jon A Wellner |
"Statistical approaches to distinct value estimation" | Jake D. Brutlag | Thomas S Richardson, Werner Stuetzle |
"Generalization of boosting algorithms and applications of Bayesian inference for massive datasets" | Gregory Kirk Ridgeway | David Madigan, Thomas S Richardson |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Bayesian modeling of highly structured systems using Markov chain Monte Carlo" | Simon David Byers | Julian Besag |
"Assessing nonstationary time series using wavelets" | Brandon J. Whitcher | Peter Guttorp, Donald B Percival |
"Lattice conditional independence models for incomplete multivariate data and for seemingly unrelated regressions" | Lang Wu | Michael Perlman, Thomas S Richardson |
"Estimation for counting processes with incomplete data" | Ying Lian Zhang | Jon A Wellner |
"Regularization techniques for linear regression with a large set of carriers" | Sylvain Sardy | Werner Stuetzle |
"Large sample theory for pseudo maximum likelihood estimates in semiparametric models" | Hui-Lin Hu | Jon A Wellner |
"Additive mixture models for multichannel image data" | Arindam Roy Choudhury | Finbarr O'Sullivan |
"Application of ridge regression for improved estimation of parameters in compartmental models" | Angshuman Saha | Finbarr O'Sullivan |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Bayesian model averaging in censored survival models" | Christopher T. Volinsky | Adrian E Raftery |
"Bayesian information retrieval" | Michelle R. Keim (Condliff) | David Madigan |
"Statistical inference for partially observed markov population processes" | Sandra Nelson Catlin | Peter Guttorp |
"Tools for the advancement of undergraduate statistics education" | Andrew Schaffner | David Madigan |
"A new learning procedure in acyclic directed graphs" | Daniela Golinelli | David Madigan |
"Phylogenies via conditional independence modeling" | Mary Beatrix Jones | Elizabeth Thompson |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Variability estimation in linear inverse problems" | Ranjan Maitra | Finbarr O'Sullivan |
"Inference in a discrete parameter space" | Ian S Painter | Elizabeth Thompson |
"Bootstrapping functional m-estimators" | Yihui Zhang | Jon A Wellner |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Semiparametric estimation of major gene and random environmental effects for age of onset" | Hongzhe Li | Elizabeth Thompson |
"Statistical analysis of biological monitoring data: State-space models for species compositions" | D. Dean Billheimer | Peter Guttorp |
"Estimation of heterogeneous space-time covariance" | Wendy Meiring | Peter Guttorp |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Spatial applications of Markov chain Monte Carlo for bayesian inference" | David Mitchell Higdon | Julian Besag |
"Accounting for model uncertainty in linear regression" | Jennifer Ann Hoeting | David Madigan |
"Robust estimation in point processes" | Renato M. Assuncao | Peter Guttorp |
"Multilevel modeling of discrete event history data using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods" | Steven M. Lewis | Adrian E Raftery |
"Estimation in regression models with interval censoring" | Jian Huang | Jon A Wellner |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"State-space modeling of salmon migration and Monte Carlo Alternatives to the Kalman filter" | Kenneth B. Newman | Peter Guttorp |
"The Poisson clumping heuristic and the survival of genome in small pedigrees" | Heike Blossey | Elizabeth Thompson |
"Markov chain Monte Carlo estimates of probabilities on complex structures" | Shili Lin | Elizabeth Thompson |
"A class of stochastic models for relating synoptic atmospheric patterns to local hydrologic phenomena" | James P Hughes | Peter Guttorp |
"A Bayesian framework and importance sampling methods for synthesizing multiple sources of evidence and uncertainty linked by a complex mechanistic model" | Geof H. Givens | Adrian E Raftery |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Auxiliary and missing covariate problems in failure time regression analysis" | Haibo Zhou | Margaret Pepe |
"A high order hidden markov model" | James Schimert | Doug Martin |
"Bayesian methods for the analysis of misclassified or incomplete multivariate discrete data" | Jeremy Charles York | David Madigan |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"The weighted likelihood bootstrap and an algorithm for prepivoting" | Michael A. Newton | Adrian E Raftery |
"General-weights bootstrap of the empirical process" | Jens T. Praestgaard | Jon A Wellner |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Modelling agricultural field trials in the presence of outliers and fertility jumps" | Ross H. Taplin | Adrian E Raftery |
"Modeling and bootstrapping for non-gaussian time series" | Nhu Dinh Le | Doug Martin |
"Genetic restoration on complex pedigrees" | Nuala A. Sheehan | Elizabeth Thompson |
"Incorporating covariates into a beta-binomial model with applications to medicare policy: A Bayes/empirical Bayes approach" | Michael J. Kahn | Adrian E Raftery |
"Likelihood and exponential families" | Charles J. Geyer | Elizabeth Thompson |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Estimation of mixing and mixed distributions" | Russell Brian Millar | Jon A Wellner |
"Classical inference in spatial statistics" | Lars S. Andersen | Antonio Possolo |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Exploratory methods for censored data" | Robert Clifford Gentleman | John Crowley |
"Aspects of robust analysis in designed experiments" | Patrick J. Burns | Doug Martin |
"Diagnostics for time series models" | Andrew G Bruce | Doug Martin |
"Constrained cluster analysis and image understanding" | Jeff D. Banfield | Adrian E Raftery |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"The data viewer: A program for graphical data analysis" | Catherine Hurley | Andreas Buja |
"Additive principal components: A method for estimating additive constraints with small variance from multivariate data" | Deborah Donnell | Werner Stuetzle |
"Kullback-Leibler estimation of probability measures with an application to clustering" | Anne G. Sheehy | Jon A Wellner |
"Time series models for continuous proportions" | Gary K. Grunwald | Peter Guttorp |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Estimation for infinite variance autoregressive processes" | Keith Knight | Doug Martin |
"A computer system for Monte Carlo experimentation" | David A. Grier | Richard Kronmal |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Robust estimation for the errors-in-variables model" | Ruben H. Zamar | Doug Martin |
"Robust statistics on compact metric spaces" | Daijin Ko | Peter Guttorp |
"Weak convergence and a law of the iterated logarithm for processes indexed by points in a metric space" | Mina E. Ossiander | Ronald Pyke |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"The statistics of long memory processes" | Donald B Percival | Doug Martin |