Masters Theses
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Statistical analysis of low-frequency earthquake catalogs" | Ariane Ducellier | Donald B Percival |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Estimating Population Size Using the Network Scale Up Method" | Rachael Maltiel | Adrian E Raftery |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"A Resampling Approach to Clustering with Confidence" | Yuan Chiam | Werner Stuetzle |
"Feedforward Control and Process Improvement for Some Disturbance Models" | Lihui Shi |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"On Left-Stochastic Decomposition Clustering" | Amol Kapila | Maya R. Gupta |
"Joint Probabilistic Projection of Male and Female Life Expectancy" | Nevena Lalic | Adrian E Raftery |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Probabilistic Visibility Forecasting Using Bayesian Model Averaging" | Richard M. Chmielecki | Adrian E Raftery |
"Saturated Long-Chain Acyl-CoA Synthesis, A Novel Link Between TNFa and Saturated Fatty Acids in Endothelial Dysfunction" | Xin Li |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Survival Analysis of Internal-Censored Data with Application to the Time-to-Depletion of Connecting-Peptide in Type I Diabetes" | Jung Lim Shin | Peter Guttorp |
"Finding Optimal Sample Size Using Binomial Power Function Properties" | Valeria V. Thompson | Fritz W Scholz |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Ricean Parameter Estimation Using Phase Information in Low SNR Environments" | Andrew N. Morabito | Donald B Percival |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"On the performance of IT vendors in online service marketplaces: does a vendor's reputation matter?" | Conglei Zhang | Werner Stuetzle |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Investigating effects of the choice of latent variable distribution for the two parameter logistic response model" | David Edward Haldors Dailey | Elena A. Erosheva, Thomas S Richardson |
"Analysis of Haplotype Structure: Application to the DARC Gene Region" | Ting-Yuan Liu | Elizabeth Thompson |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Assessing the detrended fluctuation analysis method of estimating the Hurst coefficient" | Nathaniel Bennett Derby | Tilmann J. Gneiting, Donald B Percival, Thomas S Richardson |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Mixture modeling of count data with excess zero-values: An application to Dungeness crab catch estimation" | Jennifer Cahalan | Peter Guttorp |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Hierarchical agglomerative clustering and linear mixed-effects models applied to small-scale dental clinical trials" | Sally Marjorie Rodriguez | Judith E Zeh, Galen R. Shorack |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"A regularized contrast statistic for object boundary estimation: Implementation and statistical evaluation" | Maijian Qian | Finbarr O'Sullivan |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"A diffusion model for within-species and between-species" | Mark N. Grote | Joseph Felsenstein |
Title | Author | Supervisor |
"Population size estimation for the western Arctic stock of bowhead whale: A Bayes/empirical Bayes approach" | Philip Turet | Judith E Zeh |